Plugin Configuration
When you start the plugin for the first time, the following files will generate:
The configuration for the plugin is split up into multiple files due to how flexible the plugin is and how much custom data you can add to it.
The buffs.yml
file will look like this by default:
# What should the name of the inventory be?
gui-name: Guild Buffs
# Do we want to allow users to have more than one buff at a time?
buff-stacking: false
# Do you want to enable requiring per-buff permissions?
# For example, if I wanted to buy the haste buff,
# I would need the permission guilds.buff.haste
per-buff-permissions: false
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lSubstance of the Redmod Graff'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
# What type of potion is this?
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Haste'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 0
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lBlessing of the Cheetah'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
icon: SUGAR
# What type of potion is this?
type: SPEED
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Speed'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 1
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lScales of the Dragon'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
# What type of potion is this?
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Fire-Resistance'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 2
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lEyes of the Lurking Demon'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
# What type of potion is this?
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Night-Vision'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 3
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lFeet of the Ghostly Walker'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
# What type of potion is this?
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Invisibility'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 4
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lMighty Strength of the Pouncing Lion'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
# What type of potion is this?
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Strength'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 5
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lBounce of the Quick Witted Rabbit'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
# What type of potion is this?
type: JUMP
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Jump'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 6
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lLungs of the Albino Shark'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
icon: BUCKET
# What type of potion is this?
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Water-Breathing'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 7
# What do you want to name the buff?
name: '&a&lIntegrity of the Mystic Witch'
# How much do you want the buff to cost?
price: 60.0
# How long (in second) should the buff last?
time: 60
# How strong do you want the buff to be? 0 = Potion Level 1, 1 = Potion Level 2, etc...
amplifier: 0
# What item do you want to represent the buff?
# What type of potion is this?
# You can put as much as you want here
- '&aType » &7Regeneration'
- '&aLength » &760 Seconds'
- '&aCost » &7$60'
# Do you want this buff to show in-game?
display: true
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to the player who bought the buff?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on the player that clicked? (Supports {player})
- ''
# Would you like to enable commands to be sent to all online players in the guild?
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to execute on all online players in guild? (Supports {player})
- ''
# What slot would you like this to use?
slot: 8
The config.yml
file will look like this by default:
# Guilds
# Creator: Glare
# Contributors:
# Issues:
# Spigot:
# Wiki:
# Discord:
# This is used for the Guild's Announcement System, which allow me (The Author) to communicate to you guys without updating.
# The way this works is very simple. If you have "console" set to "true", you will see the announcement when the server starts.
# If you have "in-game" set to "true", your OPed players will see it the first time they login to the server.
console: true
in-game: true
# Choosing your language for the plugin couldn't be easier! The default language is english.
# If you speak another language but don't see it here, feel free to submit it via one of the links above to have it added to the plugin.
# If you try and use a different language than any in the list above, the plugin will not function in a normal manner.
# As you can see this is currently en-US, and there is a en-US.yml file in the language folder.
# If I wanted to switch to french, I would use fr-FR as the language instead.
messagesLanguage: en-US
# Would you like to check for plugin updates on startup? It's highly suggested you keep this enabled!
update-check: true
# What would you like the command aliases for the plugin to be?
# You can have as many as your want, just separate each with | and NO SPACES.
plugin-aliases: guild|guilds|g
# Would you like to run vault permission changes async? (Will be less stress on the main thread and prevent lag)
# Async is used by LuckPerms.
# Set this to false if you are using PEx.
# I do suggest you switch to LuckPerms so that you can keep it async, but ultimately the choice is yours.
run-vault-async: true
# What storage method should be used? (MySQL, MariaDB, JSON, SQLite)
storage-type: json
# How often (in minutes) do you want all Guild Data to save?
save-interval: 1
# Define the address for the database. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
host: localhost
# Define the port for the database. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
port: '3306'
# The name of the database to store data in.
# This must be already created! (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
database: guilds
# The prefix for all Guilds tables.
table-prefix: guilds_
# Define the credentials for the database. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
username: root
password: ''
# Sets whether or not to use SSL for the remote SQL database connection (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
enable-ssl: false
# These settings change the SQL connection pool.
# The default settings are optimized for the majority of users.
# Do NOT change these settings unless you know what you are doing!
# For those looking to migrate data:
# When migrating to MySQL, it will attempt to use the MySQL backend (grab the login information here) in order to connect to the database.
# We are not responsible for data loss if you are too lazy to read the warnings.
# Lastly, remember to change your storage-type to the type you're migrating to before you reboot.
# Sets the maximum size of the SQL connection pool.
# This value will determine the maximum number of connections maintained. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
maximum-pool-size: 10
# Sets the minimum number of idle connections that the pool will maintain.
# For maximum performance keep this value the same as 'maximum-pool-size' (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
minimum-idle: 10
# Sets the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool in milliseconds. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
maximum-lifetime: 1800000
# Sets the maximum number of milliseconds for a connection in the pool before timing out. (Doesn't apply to SQLite)
connection-timeout: 5000
# Do we want to hook into Essentials-Chat format to handle guild placeholders?
essentials-chat: false
# Do we want to hook into WorldGuard to allow claiming land?
worldguard-claims: false
# Use the following website to get available materials:
# This can work across all MC versions and will attempt to use the proper material based on what version of MC you are using.
# What time format should we use in the GUIs?
# You can use this site to build it
time-format: MMM, d, yy hh:mm aaa
# What should the name of the inventory be?
gui-name: Guild List
# What should the name of the all the items be in the inventory?
# Currently supports {player} and {guild}.
item-name: '&f{player}''s Guild'
# How should the menu be sorted?
# LOADED: In the order that the Guilds were loaded on startup
# TIER: In order from highest tier to lowest tier
# MEMBERS: In order from most members to least members
# BALANCE: In order from most in bank to least
# WINS: In order from most arena wins to least
# NAME: In order by name
# AGE: In order from first created to last
sort: LOADED
# What item should players click to go to the next page?
next-page-item: EMPTY_MAP
# What should the name of this item be?
next-page-item-name: '&fNext Page'
# What item should players click to go to the previous page?
previous-page-item: EMPTY_MAP
# What should the name of this item be?
previous-page-item-name: '&fPrevious Page'
# What should be the default texture url for textures that fail to load in? Refer to the Guild Manage settings to see how to change the texture!
head-default-url: 7a2df315b43583b1896231b77bae1a507dbd7e43ad86c1cfbe3b2b8ef3430e9e
# You are free to design this to your liking
# This is just an example of all the available placeholders that you can use for the lore!
# Note: With v3.6.7 and on, you can now use {guild-tier-name} for the name of the tier.
# Also, from v3.6.7 and on, {guild-status} will now apply from what you set for the guild-info GUI for the status being public or private.
# In version, {guild-challenge-wins} and {guild-challenge-loses} have been added.
# In version, {creation} was added to display the creation date of the guild
- '&cName&8: &a{guild-name}'
- '&cPrefix&8: &a{guild-prefix}'
- '&cMaster&8: &a{guild-master}'
- '&cStatus&8: &a{guild-status}'
- '&cTier&8: &a{guild-tier}'
- '&cBalance&8: &a{guild-balance}'
- '&cMember Count&8: &a{guild-member-count}'
- '&cCreation Date&8: &a{creation}'
# Here you can control what the GUI looks like that allows players to choose which vault to open
# You can do things like set the name of the gui, the material to use, material name, and lore!
# What do you want the name of the gui to be?
# Currently supports {name} for the name of the guild.
name: '&8» &r{name}''s Vaults'
# How many rows would you like to display?
rows: 1
# What do you want the material of the vaults to be?
item-material: CHEST
# WHat do you want the name of the vault to be?
# I recommend keeping this blank so that we can put the vault number in the lore.
item-name: ' '
- '&8• &7Vault &9#{number}'
- '&8• &7Status: {status}'
- ''
# What do you want to show when a vault is unlocked?
unlocked: '&9Unlocked'
# What do you want to show when a vault is locked?
locked: '&c&mLocked&r'
# What do you want the name of the Vault to be?
# Note: This requires a restart to change the inventory names.
name: '&8» &rGuild Vault'
# What materials would you like to blacklist from being put into the vaults?
- ''
# What custom names of items would you like to blacklist from being put into the vaults?
- ''
# What custom lore do you want to blacklist from being put into the vaults?
# Please keep in mind this can be prove to false-positives so please let me know if you have issues.
# This will currently loop through your lore to check for any strings you have in the list to check.
# Improvements will be made over time. Thanks for your patience and suppport in advanced.
- ''
# Welcome to the Guild Info GUI section of the config.
# Here you can modify the configuration of what the Guild Info GUI looks like.
# This can be used by any member of a Guild and shows key information of the Guild.
# You can see things like the members, the balance, tier, etc.
# What would you like the name of the GUI to be?
# Currently supports {name} for the name of the guild and {prefix} for the prefix of the guild
name: '&8» &r{name}''s Info'
# What material do you want the tier button to be?
tier-material: DIAMOND
# What do you want the name of the tier button to be?
tier-name: '&3Guild Tier'
# What do you want the lore of the tier button to be?
- '&8• &7Level: &b{tier}'
# Would you like to display this button?
tier-display: true
# What material do you want the bank button to be?
bank-material: GOLD_INGOT
# What do you want the name of the bank button to be?
bank-name: '&6Guild Bank'
# What do you want the lore of the bank button to be?
- '&8• &7Balance: &e{current} &7/ &e{max}'
# Would you like to display this button?
bank-display: true
# What material do you want the members button to be?
members-material: IRON_HELMET
# What do you want the name of the members button to be?
members-name: '&5Guild Members'
# What do you want the lore of the members button to be?
- '&8• &7Members: &d{current} &7/ &d{max}'
- '&8• &7Online: &d{online} &7/ &d{current}'
- ''
- '&7Click to view members!'
# Would you like to display this button?
members-display: true
# What material do you want the status button to be when a guild is public?
public: EMERALD
# What material do you want the status button to be when a guild is private?
private: REDSTONE
# What do you want the name of the status button to be?
status-name-item: '&2Guild Status'
# What do you want the status to say if it's public?
public: '&aPublic'
# What do you want the status to say if it's private?
private: '&cPrivate'
# What do you want the lore of the status button to be?
- '&8• &7Status: &r{status}'
# Would you like to display this button?
status-display: true
# What material do you want the home button to be?
home-material: BED
# What do you want the name of the home button to be?
home-name: '&cGuild Home'
# What do you want the lore of the home button to be?
- '&8• &7Home: &f{coords}'
# Would you like to display this button?
home-display: true
# What do you want it to say when a guild doesn't have a home set?
home-empty: '&fNot Set'
# Do you want players to be teleported to their guild home when they click this?
home-teleport: false
# What material do you want the vault button to be?
vault-material: CHEST
# What do you want the name of the home button to be?
vault-name: '&9Guild Vaults'
# What do you want the lore of the vault button to be?
- '&7Click here to open your guild vaults!'
# Would you like to display this button?
vault-display: true
# What material do you want the motd button to be?
motd-material: SIGN
# What do you want the name of the motd button to be?
motd-name: '&6Guild MOTD'
# What do you want the lore of the motd button to be?
- '{motd}'
# Would you like to display this button?
motd-display: true
# This part of the config controls what the members gui looks like.
# You can get to this in game by clicking on the members icon via the guild info gui.
# How should the menu be sorted?
# ROLE: In order from highest role to lowest
# NAME: In order by their username
# AGE: In order of length in guild
sort: ROLE
# What would you like the name of the GUI to be?
name: '&8» &rMembers of {name}'
# What material do you want to use to represent members?
material: EMPTY_MAP
# What do you want the name of the item to be?
name: ' '
# What do you want the lore of the item to be?
- '&8• &7Name: &a{name}'
- '&8• &7Role: &a{role}'
- '&8• &7Status: {status}'
- '&8• &7Join Date: &a{join}'
- '&8• &7Last Login: &a{login}'
# What do you want to be what shows when a member is online?
online: '&aOnline'
# What do you want to be what shows when a member is offline?
offline: '&cOffline'
# With the default RegEx currently set, the minimum length of the prefix is 1 and the maximum is 64.
# To change this, adjust the number and you can refer to the link below on how to modify RegEx.
# RegEx ( used to only allow certain characters (default only allows alphanumeric characters).
# To turn off the ability to use colors, remove the & from the RegEx.
# Trying to use symbols such as Chinese ones? Try this Regex: [\u4E00-\u9FA5_a-zA-Z0-9&_\一-龥]{1,6}
name: '[a-zA-Z0-9&]{1,64}'
# Similar to the name, just refer above.
prefix: '[a-zA-Z0-9&]{1,20}'
# Would you like to include color codes signs (&b &l, etc) in the length check?
include-color-codes: true
# Would you like to allow players to make a guild without a prefix?
disable-prefix: false
# Do we want to enable the blacklist?
enabled: true
# Do we want the blacklist to be case sensitive?
case-sensitive: true
# What words would you like to blacklist from being used?
- crap
- ass
- stupid
# This is the style used when a message sent in guild chat.
# As of 3.4.7, this now supports {display-name} to show the display name of a player.
chat: '&7&l[Guild Chat]&r &b[{role}&b]&r &b {player}: {message}'
# Similar to the one above, just for the admins spying.
spy: '&7&l[Guild Spy]&r &b[{guild}&b]&r &b[{role}&b]&r &b {player}: {message}'
# Would you like to log the guild chat to console?
log-guild-chat: false
# Used for {GUILD_FORMATTED} and %guilds_formatted%
# The left bracket in the placeholder
left-bracket: '['
# The content of the placeholder. Either will be {name} or {prefix}
content: '{name}'
# What to show instead of the placeholder if there's no guild
no-guild: ''
# The right bracket in the placeholder
right-bracket: ']'
# Do we want people in the same guild to be able to damage each other?
guild: false
# Do we want allies to be able to damage each other?
ally: false
# Do we want to respect WorldGuard flags for PVP deny?
# This will be checked first before checking same guild and ally.
# This is ONLY needed if you have either of the above two options to set true.
respect-wg-pvp-flag: false
# Would you like to send players their guild's motd on login?
motd-on-login: true
# How often (in minutes) can a guild be the defender in a war?
# This is to help prevent abuse from guilds fighting each other to farm rewards.
# This is defaulted to 1 day.
defend-cooldown: 1440
# Would you like to block commands while a player is in the war?
disable-commands: false
# How long does a defending guild have to accept a war challenge? (In seconds)
accept-time: 120
# What is the min number of players needed on each side for a war to start?
min-players: 3
# What is the max number of players allowed on each side for a war?
max-players: 8
# How long do players of both sides have to join the war? (In seconds)
join-time: 60
# How long should we wait to teleport the players and start the war after everyone joined?
ready-time: 60
# Would you like to enable running commands after a challenge ends? (such as broadcasting)
enabled: false
# What commands would you like to run after a challenge ends??
# Supports the following placeholder:
# {challenger} - The name of the challenging Guild
# {defender} - The name of the defending Guild
# {winner} - The winner of the challenge
# {loser} - The loser of the challenge
- ''
# Would you like to give rewards to the winning guild?
enabled: false
# What rewards (commands) would you like to run for the winning Guild?
# Current supports {player}.
- ''
# How often (in seconds) can a player set their guild home?
sethome: 60
# How often (in seconds) can a player go to their guild home?
home: 60
# How often (in seconds) can a player request to join a guild?
request: 60
# How often (in seconds) can a guild buy a buff?
buff: 60
# How long should a user have to wait before joining a new guild after leaving one?
join: 120
# Do you want to enable making players stand still before teleporting?
enabled: false
# How long should a user have to stand still before teleporting?
time: 3
# How much should it cost to create a guild?
creation: 0.0
# How much should it cost to set the cost of the guild home?
sethome: 0.0
# This section of the config will allow you to handle guild land claiming.
# Remember that the enable / disable for this is the WorldGuard Hook at the TOP of the config.
# There are multiple options when it comes to guild claims. For the time being, all guilds will only get one claim.
# This is the number of blocks around the player it will try to create the region.
# Keep in mind this is the RADIUS, it will go this many blocks in both directions.
# For example, if you take the default 15, it'll do 30 total as it will go 15 blocks in both directions.
# This is a CUBOID region, not SPHERE.
radius: 15
# Customize the entrance and exit message of joining claims.
# Supports {prefix} for guild prefix and {guild} for guild name.
# Also supports color codes!
enter-message: '&aNow entering &d{guild}''s &aclaim!'
exit-message: '&aNow leaving &d{guild}''s &aclaim!'
# Would you like to disable guild claiming in specific worlds?
- ''
# Would you like to enable claim signs?
# Format -
# First Line: [Guild Claim]
# Second Line: WorldGuard Region Name
# Third Line: Price
claim-signs: false
# Would you like to make it so that claims can only be aquired through the purchasing with signs?
# This will disable the regular claim commands.
force-claim-signs: false
# What do you want the name of the upgrade ticket to be?
name: '&bGuild Upgrade Ticket'
# What do you want the lore of the ticket to be?
- '&dRight click this ticket to upgrade your guild tier!'
# What do you want the material of the ticket to be?
material: PAPER
# How long do you want the default length of guild codes to be?
length: 7
# Do you want inactive codes (no uses left) to display on the /guild code list?
list-inactive-codes: true
# What is the max amount of active codes you would like to allow per guild?
amount: 10
The roles.yml
file will look like this by default:
name: GuildMaster
permission-node: guilds.roles.master
activate-buff: true
add-ally: true
ally-chat: true
change-home: true
change-prefix: true
rename: true
chat: true
demote: true
deposit-money: true
invite: true
kick: true
open-vault: true
promote: true
remove-ally: true
remove-guild: true
toggle-guild: true
transfer-guild: true
upgrade-guild: true
withdraw-money: true
claim-land: true
unclaim-land: true
destroy: true
place: true
interact: true
create-code: true
delete-code: true
see-code-redeemers: true
modify-motd: true
initiate-war: true
name: Officer
permission-node: guilds.roles.officer
activate-buff: false
add-ally: true
ally-chat: true
change-home: true
change-prefix: false
rename: false
chat: true
demote: true
deposit-money: true
invite: true
kick: true
open-vault: true
promote: true
remove-ally: true
remove-guild: false
toggle-guild: false
transfer-guild: false
upgrade-guild: false
withdraw-money: true
claim-land: false
unclaim-land: false
destroy: true
place: true
interact: true
create-code: true
delete-code: true
see-code-redeemers: true
modify-motd: false
initiate-war: true
name: Veteran
permission-node: guilds.roles.veteran
activate-buff: false
add-ally: false
ally-chat: true
change-home: false
change-prefix: false
rename: false
chat: true
demote: false
deposit-money: true
invite: true
kick: false
open-vault: true
promote: false
remove-ally: false
remove-guild: false
toggle-guild: false
transfer-guild: false
upgrade-guild: false
withdraw-money: false
claim-land: false
unclaim-land: false
destroy: true
place: true
interact: true
create-code: false
delete-code: false
see-code-redeemers: false
modify-motd: false
initiate-war: false
name: Member
permission-node: guilds.roles.member
activate-buff: false
add-ally: false
ally-chat: true
change-home: false
change-prefix: false
rename: false
chat: true
demote: false
deposit-money: true
invite: false
kick: false
open-vault: true
promote: false
remove-ally: false
remove-guild: false
toggle-guild: false
transfer-guild: false
upgrade-guild: false
withdraw-money: false
claim-land: false
unclaim-land: false
destroy: true
place: true
interact: true
create-code: false
delete-code: false
see-code-redeemers: false
modify-motd: false
initiate-war: false
The tiers.yml
file will look like this by default:
# This section of the config will talk about various parts of upgrading a guild and allow you to choose how it works.
# For "mob-xp-multiplier" the default is 1, meaning that it will drop the normal amount of XP for non-upgraded guilds.
# DO NOT set it to 0, that will either throw errors or cause mobs to not drop XP.
# Keep in mind for the damage-multiplier, it applies to players also, so by default it's set to normal for every tier.
# Should permissions carry over between tiers?
carry-over: true
# Which level tier is this? 1 is the default.
level: 1
# What is the name of this tier?
name: Bronze
# How much is this tier? (If first tier, keep as same price as cost creation)
cost: 0.0
# How many members can be in a guild of this tier?
max-members: 15
# How many Vaults would you like the Guild to be able to use?
vault-amount: 1
# How much extra XP should drop from mobs?
mob-xp-multiplier: 1.0
# How much extra damage should be done?
damage-multiplier: 1.0
# How much can this tier hold in the bank?
max-bank-balance: 10000.0
# How many members should be in a guild for it to be able to rankup?
members-to-rankup: 0
# Would you like this tier to be able to open the buff GUI?
use-buffs: true
# If you wish to give this tier extra permissions, put them here.
# Which level tier is this? 1 is the default.
level: 2
# What is the name of this tier?
name: Silver
# How much is this tier? (If first tier, keep as same price as cost creation)
cost: 200.0
# How many members can be in a guild of this tier?
max-members: 30
# How many Vaults would you like the Guild to be able to use?
vault-amount: 2
# How much extra XP should drop from mobs?
mob-xp-multiplier: 2.0
# How much extra damage should be done?
damage-multiplier: 1.0
# How much can this tier hold in the bank?
max-bank-balance: 20000.0
# How many members should be in a guild for it to be able to rankup?
members-to-rankup: 0
# Would you like this tier to be able to open the buff GUI?
use-buffs: true
# If you wish to give this tier extra permissions, put them here.
# Which level tier is this? 1 is the default.
level: 3
# What is the name of this tier?
name: Gold
# How much is this tier? (If first tier, keep as same price as cost creation)
cost: 300.0
# How many members can be in a guild of this tier?
max-members: 50
# How many Vaults would you like the Guild to be able to use?
vault-amount: 3
# How much extra XP should drop from mobs?
mob-xp-multiplier: 3.0
# How much extra damage should be done?
damage-multiplier: 1.0
# How much can this tier hold in the bank?
max-bank-balance: 30000.0
# How many members should be in a guild for it to be able to rankup?
members-to-rankup: 0
# Would you like this tier to be able to open the buff GUI?
use-buffs: true
# If you wish to give this tier extra permissions, put them here.
Last updated
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